Thursday, August 26, 2004


well after about 4 nights of only getting 5-6 hours of sleep (yes, i know that this is a lot for some people, just not me), i am behind exhausted. i am starting to feel that sick feeling in my back and chest. this is not a good time to be getting sick. this is part of the reason why i am blogging at work and not at home. i prolly won't even sign on tonight. i need to work on getting the china back in the china cabinet and the dining room clean, but this may end up being a job for mike. all i want to do is get my pillow and hit the couch. i mean there is no possible way that i can be sick. mikey's bday party is in two days and if you read the other posts, i have entirely too much to do. so my lil game plan is to rest tonight and make sure i drink plenty of o.j. and just rest and that tomorrow i will be a new woman (i better be!)


1 comment:

pretendingsanity said...

I hope you don't get sick!!!

I just wanted to say for all the world to read, that you're such a sweetie and SO generous.

Happy Birthday to Mikey!