a mini that i made using one of those kids lil chipboard books. you know the ones for like a one or a two year old. that's right, run around and swipe your kiddos' books and make you a mini with it...lol.

cover of the binder for the ashley wren class that i'm taking that i mentioned below.

free bird lo

charlie and lucy

my space
okay, so earlier i had to go so i was unable to finish this post. here we go.
so for christmas the ever fab*boo got me the itouch for christmas and i have been listening to it to my heart's content. well one of my favorite times to listen to it is when it's sitting on its new dock (another christmas present) and i'm in the craft room listening to the likes of jan a.p. kaczmarek, rachmaninoff, pablo casals, and zbigniew preisner while i paint.
now i'm not painting masterpieces by any means, but there is still nothing more relaxing than listening to the above with a paintbrush in my hand.
so here is what i have been painting the past couple of weeks.

this was a painting that i did for ms. greta for christmas. i did the drawing of the octopus last year for the design of my valentine's day cards that some of you got. this was done on some paint boards that you can get at hobby lobby, michael's, etc. that i absolutely love working on.

and this is a lil mini me that i did on some water color paper with acrylic paints. i worried about the paints buckling the paper, but it turned out fine. yes, i know that she doesn't have hands or feet, but maybe that's my signature ya know....lol.
but i think she looks JUST like me...bwahahahhahaa!!!
i have some more that i will share tomorrow.
what have y'all been up to creative wise???
what a great idea to use kids board books. you could get 'em at goodwill for cheap!
LOVE the pages...
and am so happy you're creating!
I missed the deadline for signing up for Ash's class...I'm sad :(
Super cute!
I love your artwork! very cute E.!
hey...there you are chick! hope you had a wonderful Christmas and here's to a great year! that does look like you. :)
I LOVE your octopus! This would make a gtreat stamp!
Look at you busy beaver! YOu are so rocking the work lately!! You inspire me friend!!
Love that mini! I made one and need to do another soon!
dang! i don't think i have anymore of those books. maybe i can snag one from k-liz ;)
you are one talented chic! love it all!
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