may kinda flew by and left me in the dust. cannot believe how fast the year has gone.
so many things wonderful things happened in may but i was just too busy to post em.
bella graduated from preschool
i can't believe my baby is going to kindergarten. totally crazy. she graduated preschool at the beginning of the month and i was so proud of her. this past year she has learned so much including how to sign which has made me so happy.
for the ceremony, she had to give a lil speech with a friend of hers about holland. they were so stinkin' cute. they signed some words, sang some songs, and threw their caps in the air when it was all done.

my lil dutch girl
they also did a lil slideshow video of pictures that were taken throughout the year and towards the end of the year, they had the parents take a pic with their child and then the child said what they were grateful for from their parent.

bella said "thank you for making tomato soup and grilled cheese for me". eeek! too cute for words
bella turns 5bella's 5th birthday fell on mother's day this year. she also happened to be born on mother's day. the day she was born, i had told myself that whenever her bday fell on mother's day for the rest of her life, i would take her to tea and do something special with her. just her and i! well since one of the tea places closed down and i knew that the other one would be packed, i made our own lil tea party.
but wait!
i'm getting ahead of myself.
early that morning, bella and i were served breakfast in bed by michael and mikey. my camera battery was dead or i would have pictures. we had michael's famous pancakes and bacon. it was delish. bella especially loved the breakfast in bed.
then it came time for our special tea around lunch time. since bella's room is a lil on the dainty-vintage side, we had it in there and listened to classical music (which i enjoyed more than

the spread

yummy "tea"
then my mom came over and we gave bella some presents and had cake :)

it was a nice day and it was especially special since it was our first mother's day/birthday since she was born. i thought about that special day all day long.
that next monday, being the awesome mom that i am, i took cupcakes to bella*boo's class and they all signed "happy birthday" to her as they sang it.
mother's day presentas i was walking to put my breakfast in bed dishes into the sink, i saw this lil beauty sitting in the kitchen.

my new bike that i love oh so very much. since i have received it, mikey and i have been on many bike rides. now i just need to find a lil basket for it. preferably vintage :)
goodbye second gradeits hard to believe that i can say that i have a child that is getting ready to go into the third grade. i remember third grade and i loved it ooooh so much.
we were invited to attend mikey's award ceremony and i was pleased (and surprised!) to find out that mikey had made a & b honor roll all year long!!!

we also discovered that mikey had grown 3 inches this past year!
that is just crazy!
i can't believe it.

this was such a cool project that his teacher did. which made me realize that i should have thought of this last year when we moved into the house. but this year on the anniversary of the move in i am going to do markings on both the kids on the inside of the pantry door and do it every year till we are showing their children :)
boy scouts memorial day activity
have i ever mentioned how much i love that mikey is in boyscouts?
well if i haven't lemme just gone now and say that i love that he is in boyscouts!
the people there are so good and so kind hearted.
they decided this year that they were going to go to the va and place flags on the graves. there are over 17,000 at our va and believe it or not, with the people that were out there (not just boyscouts) it was done in like 15 minutes.
i was honored and touched that we got to be a part of this.
it was amazing.
to see all those flags blowing in the wind.
to explain to the boys what it meant to do this.
then the boys started going around and shaking the hands of the fine men and women of the military and telling them thank you. oh boy, i'm teary eyed just thiking about that.
bella's bday party
the last saturday of the month was bella's bday party. i was super ready to get it over with considering i had no idea how many people were going to show up b/c people don't know how to rsvp anymore (hmph!).
it ended up being small which ended up being very nice.
bella had a my little pony party so i tried to do a lil of the party favors that way.

regular ol bubbles. punched out circles from computer sticker sheets and then put a my little pony sticker on that.

lil goodie bag
so that was may!
aside from all the day to day stuff!
i'll be back soon with the things i have been creating for the month! believe it or not, i've kept up with it.