Friday, November 26, 2004


i've been sick! ugh, it never fails, everytime around this year, i get sick one way or another. last year i was so sick that for thanksgiving all i ate was a piece of dry toast. that was more a cold/flu.

this year, i had a stomach bug. i have felt icky since monday. hardly have eaten anything and have felt completely quesy. luckily on thanksgiving i was able to stomach a lil food (no turkey though).

after mom left on thursday, we remembered that mikey had the same thing about a week ago. now you are prolly thinking, how can you forget that your son had the same kind of symptoms only a week ago. well quite frankly, i didn't really put two and two together.

so now on to some better posts....;)


foodiechickie said...

Glad you are feeling better again and posting. Happy Thanksgiving!

elizabeth said...

thank you so much ani :) this time next year, i better not be sick. guess i will start taking vitamin c and medicine on nov. 1st.