Wednesday, May 14, 2008


so its rak time folks!!!!

y'all saw the video in the last post and as you can see i have entirely too.much.stuff.

so i'm willing to share.

leave a comment in this post by sunday and i will draw a winner next monday and i will send you a box of goodies.

it could be scrap goodies.
jewelry schtuff.
paper goods.
vintage goodies.

who knows!

but its going to be good.

i'm hoping to give the room a more cleaned look and have more wall space so i want one of those shelves gone!!

so please, leave a comment and help a hoarder out :)

good luck :)

note: post on mother's day, bella's graduation from preschool, and my money saving post among other things is still in the works.


liz mataraza said...

hey girlie...i really don't want the rak, just wanted to say hi. i mean, i'm sure you have some good goodies...but i certainly don't need anymore!

as for the hills...that sooo is not a hill! you poor dear!

Juls said...

Hey Elizabeth...everyone could be a winner & you would STILL have lots of stuff..ha ha ha...waiting to see Bella's Graduation pix...XOXO, Mom

Very Mary said...

You'd better throw my name into the kitty because lord knows I don't have enough stuff. HA HA HA!

Crafty Connie said...

Oh, I love to hoard stuff, but stuff from someone else is sooooo much fun to hoard, LOL!!!!

Siany said...

Yup! Chuck my name in there :)

sarah said...

i like stuff. ;)

Kate said...

glad to see you are clearing out! I do not want to be in the drawing. I need to toss and clean myself!!

laura - mostlycrafty said...

i'll help you out :)

Michele Kovack said...

Was coming to today to see your money saving tips.....: ) Go ahead put my name into the pile. Love getting more stuff! (I think it is a disease!)

Scott Franson Photography said...

Great blog! Lots of stuff but then we are all collectors.

Anita said...

Okay, add my name to the list of needing more stuff! It's not like I don't already have a room full of stuff, but I'm sure you have stuff I don't have! WOOHOO!!

* elizabeth * said...

Don't enter me, I'm just saying I have the same dilemna and was contemplating the EXACT same solution this morning.Good luck!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to tell me twice!!!

Stephanie, TN

Cassie said...

I would love to have some of your goodies. I make a lot of schtuff for others and I spend A LOT out of my own pocket. It is always nice to get a good deal.
Thanks for sharing!!

jeannie said...

hey would love to get a few of those amazing things are so sweet to share!!!

Melissa said...

Great idea for cleaning out! I'm game! tehehehe

Sarah Carlson said...

wow I thought i had a lot of stuff!

Lorena said...

its time for that spring cleaning to take place!!! :) You go girl!!!

Unknown said...

holy moly! i would love some of your stuff! :)

Unknown said...

gee, I'll take some of that off your hands, gladly!!
-judean (aka sukeydookiedoo)

Karen said...

i'll be happy to take it off your hands too :) :)

vintage lilac said...

Add me, too.

I really like the fabric and vintage, just so you know....;-)

Sally Watkins said...

Probably shouldn't comment because I have the same problem, but I focus on helping others over come there obstacles!

Lisa said...

ohhh my goodness, sounds like a FABulous RAK!! eeek! good luck picking the winner! :))

Erin said...

Wow good luck on cleaning out your room. What a great space, I scrap in my kitchen...I know sounds weird but it is a big kitchen open to the rest of the house. Thank you for your is much appreciated.

Sheila D said...

This is what I should do but I'm too busy collecting more. What a sweet addiction.

TheresaK said...

What a sweet thing to do!!! Good luck cleaning your room!!

sandyh50 said...

I can't wait to see your "After" video!!LOL! I would love to take some off your hands! Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

What I LOVED about that video is that you are just as messy of a scrapper as ME! LOL Ok, seriously, I do not have that much stuff. But if I win this RAK I will be well on my way :D

Very Mary said...

Hey hey! You're a winner! I'll mail your goodies off this week!

Jennifer H. said...

Yippeee! Love a good RAK! :) Good luck with your cleaning and organizing!

JB said...

dude, you know i've been coveting your ribbon...i saw it and wanted it and you said you'd get me some and i never wrote back! lol so you better be entering me for the stuff giveaway. :P

Stampin Cats said...

Judging from your blog, you have some great stuff. I love the vday cards and the Ohio cards. Yea, I live in Ohio.

Elizabeth said...

Hi! I'm not entering the contest, by the way, but I found your blog recently and I just wanted to say that your scrapbook pages are beautiful! I was wondering, since I'm a new reader, what is an "lo"? Also, what kind of book do you put your scrap book pages into? They look so 3-D that it seems like it'd be hard to stick them in a normal scrapbook. I enjoy your blog!