today is mine and michael's seven year anniversary!!!
we didn't really do anything to celebrate it. we're busy getting everything ready to get outta this house (which would explain why i have fallen off the bloggin' earth). we did however, after the kiddos went to bed, sit on the porch where mike surprised me with a glass of wine and we watched a lightning storm.
wow! seven years. its been a wonderful ride baby.
here's to 7x7x7x7x7x7 more.
i love you more then life itself.
on a side note, i've been reminded by my father-in-law today {waves hand wildly} that i haven't blogged in about two weeks. so i thought he might enjoy seeing some pics of the new house. they started the bricking yesterday and are more then halfway done. our builder (who is also our neighbor in the new 'hood and lives right across the street) stopped us when we left and told us it should be done by tuesday. here's hoping that it doesn't rain.

front of the house

the first set of windows you see on the (l) side are in my craft room. middle window is in guest room/future nursery, far window (r) side is in the guest bathroom.

window to the left is garage. window on the right is mikey's room.

front shot of the porch. very far (l) photo is mikey's room, middle window is dining room, and again you see the craft room window.

garage window with a good shot of the brick.

soldier design.

more brick. god, i love this brick and am glad i went with my gut :)

garage shot. in this shot to the far left kind of, you can see mike's work space and then kind of behind that is the storage area. this is also a two car garage.

back of the house. this is the garage. window you see ot the left is bells'a bedroom.

back of the house. far (l) window is master bedroom. then you see french doors from the master bedroom to the porch, middle windows are living room, another set of french doors from the morning room to the porch, last set of windows are in morning room.

full shot of of porch. the very last window you see on the left is in the master bath.

back again.

master bedroom side of house.

good shot of front porch. can you believe the size of that thing. yowzers!!! i cannot wait to be rocking on that thing.

and a brick shot (this is mostly for greta ;)
i know you guys (is there anyone still around?) expected a better post since i have been gone for so long and i promise that soon there will be, but we close on the house that we are in now at the end of the month and i am going through seven years of shit trying to get things cleaned out and packed. plus, we'll be living with my mom for about two months until the beauty above is finished. so needless to say, i have been busy. plus my bug-a-boo started school last week and i'll have pics of that soon.
i've have received some awesome mail lately and i promise to post about that tomorrow.
hope everyone is having a lovely august (and are not melting) and i will try to sneak in some time to check more blogs.
i miss you all madly.