Wednesday, May 07, 2008


while the ever fab simone was down here she video taped my scrappy space to show it off to the world.

so if you guys are curious as to where all my magic {wink} happens, here ya go!

Elizabeth's Room of sCRAP! from spazzgirl on Vimeo.

after watching this i realized that i do have a ton o'crap!!!!

ps....i'm still going to do a moola saving post and show ya all the lo's i've done the past two weeks. lil bella*boo graduates from preschool tomorrow {sniff sniff}

ppps...if anyone wants to buy any of that ribbon that i am holding in the beginning of the video, lemme know. as you can see i have a ton of it.

if you don't see anything but a big ol white space, just click on "elizabeth's room of scrap" and the video will pop up :)


Juls said...

Elizabeth, The video doesnt do your 'ton-o-crap justice ...there's way more when you see it in person !!..ha ha ha

Kate said...


Kate said...
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Siany said...

omg! thats incredible!! lol!
I love your little collection of E's.
I cant believe it took four minutes to view your scrap room! lol!

beki said...

Holy cow, woman!

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Girl, I cannot even believe how much stuff you have!!!!! Good thing you're organized!!

Crafty Connie said...

Girl I am green with envy. I LOVE your room of scrap. I don't know if I should have but I have invited Simone to the craft cellar. I just want to get it a bit more organized before she films. I figure it's a good incentive. Love your paint bottle storage. Green with envy, green with envy!

liz mataraza said...

WHOA!!! where the heck do you actually scrapbook? there's no room in there!!! i didn't have sound, so i'll have to go back and listen later.

Unknown said...

wow you have so much stuff!! loved your video!

Michelle Clement said...

Ah, so fun!! he he...=) You can enevr have too much stuff, right?

CricketPE said...

Wow, that is a lot of stuff! I wish I had a whole room for things like that!