well i've been on the manhunt for lover-ly thrifty goodies for the new house (which we are not in yet btw :(
so this past saturday, me and mom searched the paper for some garage sales and then hit the road.
boy did we score. normally when we go, we ended up leaving with empty hearts and an empty car. but not this time. and boy did we have a blast.
i haven't taken a picture of everything yet due to the fact that since last thursday night, one person in my family has been dealing with a stomach bug. first it was mikey and then sunday it was me and then monday morning it was michael. me and michael didn't even go to work on monday and tuesday.
okay anyway, back to the good stuff.

this was at the first garage sale and its mom's. if you can't tell what it is, its a radio and i believe mom found some info on it from the net and its from the 30's. she got it for a mere $5!!!! she's going to put it in the hitchcock room (one of the spare bedrooms that is done up with alfred, black birds, movie posters, and an eerie feel ;) when she found this, we knew that it was going to be a good day. she looked in it and all the parts appear to be there.

now this beauty (don't be jealous) was actually not mine at first. we stopped at a "yard sale" with different vendors at the jappa shrine. while we were leaving, we hit a booth and noticed a woman leaving with this and a very small one. i was friggin' pissed. i noticed on the small one it had a price tag of $1. a farkin' $1. so i carry on about how upset i am that i missed this b/c i was too busy making cracks with mom about some of the stuff that we saw (how's that for karma). so at this pointed i decided that all the finds that i had already got were shit and this day should just be called over. so we're walking behind the older woman who got the deals of the day and mom says "do you mind me asking how much you paid for the big one" and the lady responds "three dollars.". wtf?!?!?!?! $3???? for that huge thing. damn it would look good in my new craft room to store some paints or something.
so i think mom mentioned something about me being upset that i didn't get and the lady says "i'll give it to ya for $5". mom said "SOLD!!". she whips out the five bucks and we put in the car. i was so happy. so the lady, who was in a state of disbelief that we actually would pay more for it then she did explained that she was just buying it for her daughter who was a teacher. she walked back to her car, put the small one in there, and then walked back to do some more shopping.
whatta score! can't wait to fill it up with goodies.

i got 6 of these cute lil glasses in a carrying basket for $2. i thought they would be perfect for lil tea parties with my bella boo. i got this at a church sale where i also bought about four boxes of fabric (dear lord, like i need more fabric). i haven't shot pics of those yet, but i will hopefully soon.
speaking of fabric.
'member when i mentioned in the last post that i was hoping to get some vintage fabric for free???
well after a big ol rig-a-ma-role and getting lost in the woods at 9 pm it was well worth it.
take a look.

isn't it beautiful??? oh i can't believe that i got all of this for free. and there is ohhhh sooo much of it too!!
so anyway, that is pretty much what is going on here aside from all the scrapping i have been doing. like i have any business scrappin when i need to start scrapping.
oh and lemme ask.
is there something going on with the moons or something b/c i keep having the wierdest dreams that completely effect me the next day. and i mean all day. i can't stop thinking about the one that i had last night. it seemed so real. the feelings that were there were so real. and no it wasn't *that* kinda dream, but...oh i don't know. just thought i would ask.