michael's grandfather passed away last week and he left on friday to head to milwaukee. he won't be back till this friday so i took off this week to be at home with the kiddos.
we are going to miss his grandfather deeply but knowing that he lead a full life filled with love makes us feel a little bit better. i'm glad that michael has had this time to spend with his grandma and his sister. i know that is making them all feel better and i just wish that we could have went with him.
on to some happy things.
being off does mean though that i do have time to get some stuff done. the house is clean (for the most part ;), i've been baking up a storm and i'm about ready to throw some dough into the bread machine and make
some of these mini vanilla wafers, some homemade chicken soup for dinner, and some cherry preserves!
i've also scrapped a very little. but you'll have to stay tuned for those los ;)
i'm super excited about this

i pick up michael tomorrow at the airport between 10-11 pm and i've already told him that we are stopping at barnes and nobel on the way home. i got an email from them yesterday that said they were having a release party (hello partying with the teens ;) and i'm hoping that i can get my hands on the book by midnight ;)
who else out there is on pins and needles.
and lets not get me started on the movie.
{deep sigh}
oh did anyone watch project runway last night?
did y'all not die when they were trying to get tim to say "holla" right???
shit i love that show.
and is anyone else ready for ms. leathaah to be cut? good grief.
oh and last but certainly not least, some fab*boo people have tagged me with this

i've been tagged by: noel, karen, and sian. some of my most favorite people ever.
here are the rules....
1. The winner can take the logo
2. Place a link to the person that sent you the award
3. Give the Award to at least 7 other Scrapbooking-Blogs, which by its currency,the issues of choice and for their designs are especially noteworthy
4. Put a link to these sites on your Blog.
5. Write a comment on their Blogs that they’ve won an Award.
i don't know who all has received this and who hasn't, but i'm tagging anyway....
who is so stinkin' cute and someone i wish i could meet b/c i know we would just jive.
b/c she is just the sweetest thing ever and we share a love of marshmallow dip, books, kitchen aid mixers.
she is an awesome scrapper who has an amazing eye for design and photography.
damn i love this chick. who else can ask a friend "is it just me or are you ready for edward and bella to fuck?" and she doesn't email you back with a "you're a freak. don't talk to me ever again" but toally agrees with ya!
to the sweetest chick ever! to an amazing photographer who totally blows me away. a chick who can quilt with the best of em and makes me so completely crazy jealous of her skills.
a rockin' scrapper who can put the bestest swap package together ever! to this day she remains my favorite swappy partner and awesome bloggin' buddy. even though we don't chat as much, i think of her daily :)
miss leopard print
not only do i think this girl can scrap with the best of em, she's hilarious as all get out and stamped me some mr. t images. umm hello....awesome!
okay, off to start baking and possibly snugglin' up to "eclipse" again so i'm all ready for friday :)
First. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Michael's grandfather. My thoughts are with your families.
Second. Thank you! :) You are too cute! And yes, we would totally jive if we ever get to meet. Someday!!!!
I am so sorry about Michael's grandfather. He is in a better place.
I have missed you very much. I am so behind with my blog reading.
I would rather that Edward fuck me, but damnit he isn't real!
I love you and I can't wait to dish about the book.
I miss you.
i broke down a watched the trailer this afternoon and i actually totally pictured edward to look like the character they picked for the movie
and you kno wi am very sorry to hear about granpa koehler. :(
love you
oh girl...I told you PR was the shiz! "I could watch leatha TV" LMAO!!!
lol you crack me up! thanks for the award. i don't get the rules though. to wordy. explain it like i'm 5 yrs old. :D
and i love that comment about bella and edward! i'm so ready for them to get it on. i love the anticipation that he might crush her in his excitement. very hot. very. hot.
umm, anyway, uh...
sorry about michael's grandpa! that totally doesn't sound sincere after that b&e outburst. but it is.
love you tons!
Pins and needles here too !!!! Going at midnight as well to get the book !!!! Im so excited about this its a little embarrassing !?!?! LOL .....
Stephenie Meyer confirmed on GMA that there would be a wedding for sure, wooohooo and this is not the last book, just the last book told from Bellas point of view , even more exciting ! LOL ....
sorry about gramps...sad stuff.
but thanks for the honor...do I get a tiara?
I am very sorry to hear that Michael has lost his grandfather. I hope that the time with his grandmother will help ease some of his pain.
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