this year, i'm participating in the american heart association heart walk and i'm quite excited about it. its 4 miles long and will be my first ever walk for a cause :)
i kinda feel funny asking this on my blog, but its for a good cause right? so if anyone is interested in making a donation for me, you can go to my home page on the gulfcoast heart walk site and do so!!!
i have a goal of $100 and i would love to be able to go over :)
thanks in advance and i'd love to know if anyone else is doing the walk :)
me too...i volunteered to be team leader for us again this year!...
that is awesome! good luck! i'm stressing over mine. but i have til dec. to get ready. i'll check it out to see if i can give something. have fun. if you do the old lady walk, you know with the hips and arms swinging back and forth really fast thing. you could burns lots of cals. that way. and you would look pretty funny! hee hee
and congrats on you anniversary! you guys make a cute couple!
Hey Elizabeth,
Just doing a little blog surfing and I thought I would say hi (I got your addy off of SIStv, hope you don't mind.)
I really should be heading to bed -it's getting late here!
I hope you have a wonderful week.
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