i can't believe it.
not only did summer fly by, i have a child old enough to be in third grade!
what the?????
here he is all dressed up and ready to go. notice the goofy look on his face. he's def. getting to the age where seeing if he can mess up a good pic is numero uno priority!

Oh my God. He is so cute. I just want to give him a big ol' hug! I hope he had a fun day today!
what? school already! he is a cute little man!
Wow elizabeth - you are one creative chick! Have so enjoyed perusing your blog --- found you via SYC and will be back!
What a cutie pie!!! IT goes soooo fast doesn't it?
Yikers, it's school time already. Mikey looks so cute for his first day of school. Hope he has good teachers and has as great a time as one can have at school.
Wow you guys start school early ! I know time flies it stinks ! And i LOVE the waiting layout !
I miss all ya girls ! Ive just been so bogged down lately i cant seem to get on the message board and im behind on my pounds for dough posts ! Yikes ! More detail on my blog , but my little guy just had to have emergency surgery too so that sucked . I will hopefully back and chatty real soon !
Your little guy is so cute !
look how cute he is!!!
Mikey looks VERY happy to get back to skool..ha ha ha
{shaking head} he should NOT be in thrid grade...it was just last year he was 4...{deep sigh}
so cute! look at the smile!
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