my bella boo had her first day of kindergarten today. michael and i brought her to school where we got to hang out in her classroom, have breakfast with her, give her a ton o' hugs and kisses, watch a presentation given by the other kindergarten teachers and then back to her classroom to ask any questions.
this was the second year that they did it this way and bella won't go back until monday. if you don't think for one second that i was pissed as shit when i found out about this, well, you're wrong.
but anyway.
dontchya just wanna eat her up in that jumper???

with book bag and lunch bag that she left at school {shakes head}
So so so cute!
I don't get it. Was it orientation?
Reason 101 I don't want to have kids, I will hate when they leave me for school!
Have a good weekend!
Love you babe!
That was me last year except there was no parent participation. I stood outside waiting for it to be time for Belle to walk in. It was about a minute before hand and I told her bye and had to walk off because I didn't want all the other parents to see my crying.
She looks very cute in her jumper. :-)
OMG, love the jumper with the Peter Pan collar and the Mary Jane black patent leather shoes. Reminds me so much of my school days.
You Bella is adorable and I hope that she loves school!
Awh ! Look at how cute she is ! What a doll :) She looks so much like you too.
Have a great weekend .
oh my gosh...could she look any more excited!? The twins start in 2 weeks. But no tears here...only "Amens"!! :) :) :)
she is so darn cute! my youngest started kinder last year, and let me tell you i so scared that the teacher would be calling me on the first day to come pick her up cause she can be a little toot sometimes, honestly most of the time! i've already warned all the first grade teachers that is coming!
August 7th??? That's why I love to read your blog, I learn how people in the non-tundra part of the country lives. Michigan schools don't go back until the day after Labor Day. Something about trying to get the last tourist dollar out of us over the last holiday weekend before the winter sets in.....
I am nominating you for a blog award! I love reading your blog - keep it up!
She looks so grown-up !!...I remember YOUR 1st day of Kindergarten :) ~where does the time go...
She looks so grown-up !!...I remember YOUR 1st day of Kindergarten :) ~where does the time go...
good grief...i cannot believe it!! and i LOVE that jumper and thos shoes girl!! wish biloxi would go to uniforms...
Aaahh! My daughter started kindergarten last year...so scary, yet fun! We don't start till Wednesday...praying I don't get teary eyed this year. Something about them growing up really gets to me!! Your daughter looks so cute in her little jumper!
I nominated you for a blog award...visit my blog for the details!
Oh my Gosh! She is sooooo cute and so grown up! I can't wait to see the kids and you of course!
how stinkin' cute is she! look at the collar and the shoes...sooo cute! i can't wait to see a layout with these pics!
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