okay, this post may be long and it may be sporadic, but i am going to try and sum up the past couple of weeks in one post.
all about elizabeth
*i received the most wonderful pkg. from
debbie as part of a swap we are doing (again debbie, i apologize even though you don't think i need to ;) she included something for everyone and the kiddos loved their presents. i too am in love with the lil handbag. it was a great pkg. and a great boost for my mood. i do hope that you enjoy your pkg. just as much.
*part of what is contributing to my busy life style right now is physical therapy. i know it mentioned it
before that i was having problems with my right knee. it was determined that i have fluid in it due to the muscle by my knee not being strong enough and causing the knee cap to move too much! can you say gross!!! i have been going twice a week and it is kicking my ass. i only have a couple more times to go, but i will have to do some of the exercises 3-times a week foreva...thats right folks, foreva!!! the only good thing about it is, i am seeing muscles in my legs that i didn't even know existed. hell yeah!!!
*i have been so slack on the crafting. oh it sucks. i miss it so much, but i feel like i am so friggin' busy and then by the time i get home, i don't feel like doing anything but watching back to back episodes of law and order until its time to go to bed. i am hoping to get more into things in the next few weekends.
*i currently working on planning mikey's birthday party (his bday is the 31st). he is going to have a pirate party at a local aquarium. i am so excited but this post does remind me that i have to get on the ball with the invitations. fortunately, the party isn't until labor day weekend.
*on top of the physical therapy, i am also trying to walk in my
soon to be new neighborhood a few times a week. this sure does make for hectic evenings.
*i am currently awaiting for the fall time to roll around. even with the holidays, it feels like things slow down a bit.
all about mikey*mikey started his first day of kindergarten on the 4th!!!!! he is having so much fun and loves every minute of it. its so funny to see him in his lil uniform. he looks so much older than he does in "street clothes". he catches the bus to and from school at the daycare and he has a hoot on the bus. he has wanted to ride a school bus since he knew what they were. i can't believe my baby is a kindergartener!!

*mikey's tonsils are also doing so much better and he is back to his normal lil self. thank goodness!!
all about bella*ahhh, lil bella. she still has the same lil
cast on her arm, but it is progressing nicely. the doctor will see her next monday and take this one off and put a smaller one on. i have no idea how long she will have to wear the smaller one, but anything is better. she does so well with it. she still runs around, jumps on furniture, etc. still the same lil bella. nothing gonna slow her down...lol.
*bella too is having fun attending her "school" aka daycare. whenever mikey has stories to tell about his day, she does too. even if i'm not 100% sure what she is saying ;)
all about michael*on the 2nd of this month, we took the kiddos to the pd for natl. night out. mike had a booth set up and the kiddos got to eat, play games, and see all sorts of cool stuff. i love bringing th kids up to work. all my coworkers are so great with them and love to see them. heck, they've known the kids since i was preggers with em.

well, i guess that is a lil summary for now. i just hate getting behind on the blog. i feel like i miss out on posting about so much. i also have so much blog reading to catch up on. i feel like i have fallen outta the loop and i don't know what is going on with anyone or what crafty inspiration i have missed out on. i have missed everyone and hope that everyone is not as busy as i have been and are still enjoying the lazy days of summer :)