Saturday, April 16, 2005


i haven't really blogged in a while ('cept for the email posts i made) so i am doing to catch up today.

first, i'll fill everyone in on what has been going on around here. two words. SWIM LESSONS!!! i am taking the kids to swim lessons along with greta and her lil bug mason and melissa (who is holding mikey while i hold bella in the pool). it started this past monday and it runs mon-thurs. we already finished our first week and we have one more week left. we are having loads of fun, but it is wearing me out! we don't get home until 8:30 and bella is usually sawing logs at this point. but i shouldn't complain too much. we are all having fun and mikey has progressed so much since the first day. thursday they got to jump off the diving board. i wish that i had my camera...wait, as i think about it, mike was there watching and was supposed to take pictures. where the hell was his camera at? why wasn't he taking pictures and why didn't i think to remind him to get his camera outta his unit.

oh well. maybe next week i'll have some pics (of this kids that is. there is no way in hell i will be posting pics of me in a bathing suit for the world to see ;)

other than that, i guess that is all that is going on. work, taking mikey to school, etc. i haven't had the opportunity to get much crafting done (well not as much as i would like to), so i am hoping that after next week, i will have more time to get some stuff done. i always get so jealous when i check out other blogs (see sidebar) and see all the wonderful things that these girls do on a daily basis. the closest that i get to crafting everyday is looking at their wonderful stuff.

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